News Detail


Jan, 2023

Important Dates

Hello West End Parents, 

We wanted to give you updates on league dates, team assignments, practice times, etc. We encourage you to like our Facebook page as we post a lot of important information and announcements there regarding the league as we have found that is the best way to communicate with our members. We also send emails to all registered parents, be sure to add us to your contacts so it does not flow to your junk folder. Information is also posted on our website at

Major, Minor and Single A divisions completed tryouts last week and drafts for those divisions will take place this evening for Majors and tomorrow for Minors and Single A. All of those divisions should receive an email, text or phone call from your coach by the end of this weekend. At that point you will know your team name and practice times.

Coach Pitch and Tee Ball division coaches will be meeting Monday, January 23rd. At that time the coaches will be given their roster, team name and practice times. Coach Pitch and Tee Ball parents should be notified next week after the coaches meeting takes place. 

All teams will be allowed 2 practice times, once on the weekend and once during the week. This will happen until games begin and then practices will only be held on the weekend. Practices will begin Monday January 30th. 

  • Major Division Draft - Monday, January 16th
  • Minor Division Draft - Tuesday, January 17th
  • Single A Division Draft - Tuesday, January 17th
  • Tee Ball & Coach Pitch coaches meeting - Monday, January 23rd (Time and Location TBD)
  • Practices Begin - Monday January 30th
  • Opening Day - Saturday, March 4th (Cap Ceremony time TBD)
One last note, every team is required to complete 1 night in the concession stand. This is a requirement!  If you team can't fulfill your assigned duty, the head coach will be suspended for the following game. Concession stand duty will be scheduled before opening day and will be communicated to the assigned Team Parent. 

We are very excited to get the season started and we are excited to see the park full of little ones enjoying this great game!

Thank You
West End Little League

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