2025 Season Sponsorship

West End Little League has been fortunate to have extremely generous volunteers and sponsors over the past six decades and we would like that to continue in the future. West End Little League has many sponsorship opportunities available for the 2025 season, with our most popular being fence signs.

With over 500 children playing in the spring, families visit our fields throughout the season to support their child and the league. From grandparents and parents to relatives and friends, your advertisement will reach many who will patronize the WELL sponsors.

It is through sponsorships that our non-profit organization can provide reasonable registration fees and maintain the fields for use. The West End Little League is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization – meaning your generous contribution not only supports your community, but it is also tax deductible.

  1. Sponsorship Forms are available now for fence signs. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Joseph Ramey  - [email protected]

W.E.L.L. Safety

Safety is Job #1 at W.E.L.L. The safety of our players, coaches, umpires, and fans is an important attribute of the W.E.L.L. experience. One of the ways in which W.E.L.L. communicates safety is to promote the adherence to the West End Little League Safety Manual for Managers, Coaches, Players & Parents.  The W.E.L.L. board of directors and extended administration team is committed to maintaining and providing access to the W.E.L.L. Safety Manual.

All adults who participate in helping players at practice or games, must be approved to do so. Adults who spend time with players, help at practice, coach games or umpire must fulfill a Background Check in accordance with Little League Baseball (LLB) Regulations. LLB has sanctioned JD Palatine (JDP) to perform background checks on all West End Little League Volunteers. Volunteers will log into JDP's website directly and fill out their Volunteer Application. This new program breaks the tradition of West End Little League collecting all personal and sensitive data from volunteers. That information will now reside with JDP and LLB. If you are a coach or asst coach you will be sent an invite via email from JDP to start the process. Thanks for taking the safety of our West End kids seriously.  


Frequently Asked Questions about West End Little League

What if I have a question about my child's playing age ?  A link to the official Little League Age Calculator can be found on our website, or you may visit www.littleleague.org directly.

Can I get a refund if my child chooses not to play after I have completed registration?  In some cases, yes, but it depends on when the decision to stop playing occurs. The league expends costs for uniforms, league charters and insurance based on the number of players registered. Once players are assigned to teams, refunds will only be allowed on a case by case basis due to medical reasons or moves outside of W.E.L.L. boundaries.  Any refunds granted may be reduced to cover associated expenditures.  Please contact one of the W.E.L.L. board members for additional information.  If a refund request is approved, it will be paid at the conclusion of the season.

Can my child play up a division?  Playing up a division options are determined after complete registration numbers are collected. In some cases where the league registration numbers allow, the Head Player Agent may elect to ask some players to try out for playing up into an older division.  You may also indicate the desire for your child to play up a division during the registration process.  Contact the Head Player Agent for questions concerning this issue for your player.

Can my child play down a division?    Generally speaking, NO, but this may be requested by parents during registration.  Please know that not all requests can be accommodated.  Contact the Head Player Agent for questions concerning this issue for your player.

How do I find out more about W.E.L.L. rules and governance?  The W.E.L.L. website has posted the leagues Ground Rules which covers how W.E.L.L. play is operated.  Bylaws of the organization may be requested from the League President or Secretary.

Can my child participate in W.E.L.L. if we do not reside within the W.E.L.L. league boundaries?  Players should be registered for play with the Little League located within the boundaries of their primary residence or school attended.  The Little League League Finder tool is located on our website.  Please contact the W.E.L.L. President if you have questions or concerns regarding the league boundaries and/or waivers.

Is there equipment for my child to play with (bats, gloves, etc...)?  W.E.L.L. can help with player equipment on an individual request basis.  Contact one of the W.E.L.L. board members for more information.

To Volunteer on my kids team, do I need to have background check ? Yes. W.E.L.L.'s number one priority is the safety of the players. Little League Baseball, Inc. provides all affiliated leagues with the tools to perform background checks all adults who have significant exposure to players. If you intend to help at practices, coach during games, umpire and/or spend a lot of time with the players - please tell one of the board members are Head Player Agent. Background Checks are done by JD Palatine in strict accord with LLB regulations. 

Spring Umpire Schedules

Teams in Single A, Minor League and Major League are required to umpire games in their respective leagues. The head coach is responsible for assuring his team is represented at the assigned games to umpire. For Single A base umpires are all that is needed. For Minor & Major League, teams must supply at least one base umpire and one plate umpire.

If for some reason, your team cannot cover their assignment, please do the following :

1) Try to swap assignments with another team, contact the other head coaches in your league and try to make an assignment swap. 
2) If #1 does not work, contact WELL's Head of Umpires, Paul Hantrakul, via email [email protected] or phone/text at 409-730-3135 with as much advance notice as possible.

Team Umpire Assignments will be posted/updated below once available.

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